Creating a “Study / Homework” Space at Home

study homework space at home

School is back in session! For many parents, this means alarms in the morning, making lunches, carpool, extra-curricular activities and evenings filled with homework. Whew, I’m tired already! Kids have a lot going on these days, and when it comes to homework and studying, they need a dedicated space to settle in and concentrate. Below are a few ways you can create a space for your high schooler and littles:


Children in Kindergarten through third grade typically need support and work better in the hub of the house than alone in their bedroom. However, setting up a small desk in their room is a great place for them to store their school bag and get accustomed to a dedicated work area. Kids in fourth grade through high school should have a dedicated desk in a quiet private space.

Their desk should be a suitable size for them with a comfortable chair. A bright overhead light with a dimmer switch (helpful for everyday life) and a dedicated desk lamp are essential and will to help them stay focused. Natural light is a plus; but try to avoid placing the desk in front of the window or looking directly at a doorway as it can be too distracting. According to the principles of Feng Shui it’s best to place your back to a wall that gives you a view of the door, but does not place you directly in front of the entrance.


Stock needed supplies like paper, notebooks, pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, etc. in a file cabinet, decorative boxes or baskets on bookshelves. Think of it like stocking your desk at the office with everything you need to be successful.


Hang a bulletin board, a large calendar, dry erase or a magnetic board to display class schedules, project due dates, test dates, etc. Managing deadlines and being organized are keys to success.


Create a cozy spot to read in the corner of a room with a big comfy chair, an oversized bean-bag, a blanket and a reading lamp. If you have a window seat, add a lot of pillows or set up a tent lined with lights in their room. If it’s fun and comfortable, they’ll use it. If your kids are too young to read, still create a fun space and read to them there. They’ll grow to love reading in their special space.


No, not video games, but yes to the educational ones. Create a space where the kids can play listening games like Simon Says, Statues and Board Games. Provide puzzles and playing card games such as Memory or Go Fish. Use building blocks and Legos too.

A child-sized table and chairs in a dedicated space encourages use and allows children to feel like it’s theirs to explore. Creating a comfortable study zone for your children encour- ages them to do their home- work, and they might even en- joy it, too. An upbeat vibe with efficient lighting and colors they like will make their bedroom study area feel welcoming and fun to them. If you’re tight on space, there’s always a way to add a study zone.

Contact Coastal Design by Kim at (850) 904-6622 to help YOU create a dedicated study/homework space for your child/children.

Wishing you and your kids a great and successful school year!