House Plants Make a BIG Impact in Interior Design

House plants

Ever feel like something is missing in your space or wished it felt a little cozier? Believe it or not, adding a plant could be the answer. Plants are a natural element that will not only make an immense impact on the design in your home, they’re also known to boost the overall air quality…

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Statement Lighting Is Your Room’s Jewelry

Statement lighting with tall ceiling

Statement lighting is one of the boldest additions you can make to a room and one thing is for certain – your guests will notice! Whether your space showcases a dramatic chandelier or striking pendant lights, it can transform the whole look, elevate the elements and pull everything together, like a great piece of statement…

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Window Treatments That Can Help You Beat the Heat

Window treatment in living room

Tis’ the season to open your curtains and blinds and let the sun shine in! Are you concerned about the sun’s harsh UV rays damaging your floor and décor? Below are several options that can help YOU minimize sun damage, while improving energy efficiency in your home. Curtains & Drapes: Selecting the proper fabric affects…

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An Area Rug Can “Make or Break” Your Room!

Rugs can make or break your room

Yes, you read that right. There are so many things to consider when selecting the perfect rug for your space. Choosing the right style, size, shape and material for your rug will create a statement. Selecting the wrong rug is too easy with so many choices available. Below are a few tips to help guide…

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What Does Your Front Door Say About YOU?

interior design front door with color and personality

Before you open your front door to welcome your guests inside (or shoo away the unwanted solicitor), you’ve already made your first impression. Yes,your front door is your first impression to all who knock. Your front door makes a statement. It should reflect YOU and compliment the overall exterior of your home. Wait! Before you…

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Interior Design Trends for 2022

Interior design trends

Every year, we have a wave of new interior design trends that hit the market. Some make a huge impact and hang around for years and others fade into the sunset as quickly as they ar- rived. I must confess, I’m not a huge follower of trends or rules (shhh, don’t tell my grandkids),but you…

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4 Simple Steps to Declutter and Get Organized

Declutter and organize your space

Happy 2022! Whew, we made it through the holidays! If you’re anything like me, the holiday decorations have been packed and stored ‘til next year. Every January, I check out all the new trends, pick a project or two and prepare to implement them. But before I start any project, I like to declutter and…

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Decorating Tips for Ringing in 2022!

New years decor

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. If you’re anything like me, your brain is wrapped around a family/friends get-together, turkey, football and gratitude for our everyday pleasures. Dedicating a season to “thankfulness” warms our soul, yet can be hectic at the same time.  Before your home is filled with loquacious company, football cheers and kids bouncing about, let’s start thinking about setting the table. Pulling…

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6 Easy Design Tips for Creating a Beautiful Thanksgiving Table

Thanksgiving table top decor

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. If you’re anything like me, your brain is wrapped around a family/friends get-together, turkey, football and gratitude for our everyday pleasures. Dedicating a season to “thankfulness” warms our soul, yet can be hectic at the same time.  Before your home is filled with loquacious company, football cheers and kids bouncing about, let’s start thinking about setting the table. Pulling…

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